Gathering the Christian publishing community for refreshment and inspiration as we kick off the PubU Online program
Wake Up to Wonder in your Publishing Role with Karen Wright Marsh
The wear and tear of ordinary life, the sadness of garden-variety heartbreak, and alarm over global forces beyond our control, bring us all face-to-face with our own precarity. We – and our readers -- need steady inner grounding, now more than ever. Perhaps transcendence is right underfoot, where we least expect it: in the tiny quotidian experiences of wonder, amazement and attention. Discover a spirituality of amazement and encounter God’s presence shimmering everywhere. This is life. Fragile. Surprising. Blessed. And you’re invited.
Karen Wright Marsh is the author of Wake Up To Wonder: 22 Invitations to Amazement in the Every Day (Brazos, 2023) and Vintage Saints and Sinners: 25 Christians Who Transformed My Faith (IVP, 2017) and hosts the Vintage Saints and Sinners podcast. She is the executive director and cofounder of Theological Horizons, a ministry that supports Christians & seekers in academia by providing a welcoming community for engaging faith, thought & life. She holds degrees in philosophy from Wheaton College & linguistics from the University of Virginia. Karen lives with Charles Marsh, a UVA professor, at the Bonhoeffer House in Charlottesville, Virginia.
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